Custom planter design

As the collection of plants in our home grows, I challenged myself to design a simple, two piece planter with an integrated drip tray. Simple forms with thoughtful function bring moments of joy and vibrancy into the home.

Ceramics Handbuilding

For my birthday in 2024 I took a quick, two-hour hand building workshop at Mellow Ceramics in New York City. During the workshop I built a small collection of very imperfect pieces that now live around our home.

Spring 2024 - Mellow Ceramics

Wax casting, ring making

In early 2023, I took a wax casting course at Bushwick Jewelry Casting, where I learned all about wax carving and sculpting in order to make sacrificial molds for jewelry making.

Over the course of the four week class I was able to produce several rings and other small pieces of jewelry for family and friends.

Spring 2023 - Bushwick Jewelry Casting

Living and working in Brooklyn, NY comes with many benefits, but a consistent drawback is the lack of space. In order to maximize storage in our apartment, I designed and built this storage unit to house project materials.

It has 20 unique storage compartments with room for customization. The wood was sourced from a local woodworker who had extra supplies!

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Fall 2022

As I continued to understand woodworking through fairly automated processes, I realized I had a deeper interest in hand made and designed woodworking. I ordered a small set of Japanese carving tools and got to work carving my first wooden spoon.

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Walnut spoon shown here in a Mellow ceramic bowl and platter which I use for salt.


Render Weekly Season 8 week 6 posed a challenge of designing desktop organization systems and rendering to reflect the design.

I designed a system of two sized catch all trays, and a paper storage solution to help declutter the desktop space.

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July 2022 - Selected as Render Weekly “Best of Season 8”


While taking a course at bien hecho woodworking academy in the Brooklyn Navy yard, I learned about custom joinery while making an end table. The table is made entirely out of solid oak and ash and is built by hand.

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Bien Hecho Woodworking - Spring 2022